Last week Jonathan, David & Mark purchased some land in Potts Creek where they have went hunting their whole life. I was excited to get up there and just walk around to see it, so one Sunday afternoon Jonathan, Landon and myself went up to walk around and check things out. The road that gets you there goes through the middle of the creek. Not sure whats gonna happen when the water is up, but Jonathan says its a state maintained road. haha.

Showing us the first field they own

He was super pumped about going in the woods with his dad!

Listening for's probably safe to say Landon talked a liiiitle too much to keep the deer from comin around

The gorgeous view at the top of the mountain. It was a longg hike. haha

So proud to be in the woods "huntin" with his dad, I don't think I'm ready for when he actually does want to go in the woods at the crack of dawn to go hunting with him! haha