This was floating around on Facebook a while back ago and I just thought it would be fun to see what Blogger friends said!
25 random things about me
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I am around dead bodies at least once a week and it doesn't freak me out at all.
2. If VA was a state that you didn't have to be duel licensed I would have went to school w/ Jonathan to get my embalmbing license and work at the funeral home.
3. I was an aunt when I was 2 years old and I have great nephews & great neices that are older than my son.
4. My family is ginormous. I have 18 cousins(i think i counted right, scarlet or jeff recheck my math) and then I couldn't even count 2nd cousins..
5. I LOVE living in the mountains and covington and never want to move, but there are some days I miss living in Atlanta.
6. I like getting together with my friends and talk about old times.
7. I've found out through time who my true friends are, and who will really be there for you when you absolutly need them.
8. I have awesome inlaws. My mother in law is one of my best friends, who can say that? haha
9. I have always wanted to Clog and be a part of pageants and I'm now I do that w/ an awesome group of ladies!
10. I'm OCD when it comes to cleaning and organizing. I can't go to bed at night unless the kitchen is cleaned up and I've picked Landon's toys up out of the floor.
11. I've always had an obsession with Justin Timberlake, and probably always will.
12. If I could go camping all summer, I would live in a tent at the lake. haha.
13. I miss Philip every single day and wish he was here to be a part of Landon's life.
14. I love wiener dogs, and probably won't ever get any other kind of dog. Oscar is my first baby.
15. I could probably go to a texting annonymous meeting.
16. I never imagined I would have a 95lb doberman playing with my little baby and not think twice about it. She'll let him do anything to her.
17. If I could wear comfy clothes forever I'd never wear jeans again.
18. I waited until I got married to have sex and I'm proud of that.
19. My sister in laws are just like sisters to me.
20. Nothing is better than a country ride on a sunday afternoon after church.21. This was the first year I ever paid attention to politics and voted for the first time ever. (And I did NOT vote for Obama) haha
22.We bought Jonathan's grandparents house on the spur of the moment and I'm so grateful we are able to live in the house that his grandfather built.
23. I never imagined while Jonathan was in school in Atlanta we would meet friends that we would have for life and they would be the godparents of our first child. I wish we could spend more time with them.
24. Me and Jonathan still laugh sometimes about the fact that we're each other..and have a child...haha
25.I used to be addicted to myspace and I hated facebook, but now I find myself on facebook everytime I'm at the computer.