Sunday, May 31, 2009
Church Carnival
Our church held a carnival on Saturday complete w/ Hot dogs, really good lemondade, a hayride AND the best part...Inflatable JUMPIES! I had to help w/ our Relay 4 Life team's fundraiser at walmart that morning, so Landon was at the Funeral Home w/ his Dad. Lori said she'd pick him up and head up to the church and I'd meet her there. Well we finally made it up there, and it was loads of fun.
My face cracks me up in this picture! Of course Landon was too little to go down alone so Mommy had to lug him up the side and come down. We did it QUITE a few times, and Mommy was worn out!
Rock the Block
Olde Town Covington started a "Rock the Block" series last summer, where one friday night a month, they block off 1/2 of Main st., everyone brings their lawn chairs, and you settle in for some good food, good times with friends & family and of course dance! The first concert of the season was the band the Kings. It's something GREAT to do in Covington, and we're glad to be a part of it! Landon of course loved it this year since he's mobile and all over the place.
First thing he did when we got there was steal Buddy's chair so he could sit in between the girls..
He REALLY wanted some of that ice cream sandwhich...
First thing he did when we got there was steal Buddy's chair so he could sit in between the girls..
Douthat Car Show Dinner
Every year after the Douthat Car show they host a dinner for everyone that helped work the car show at the Lakeview Restaraunt. This is my 2nd year helping, and after registration from 8-12 we went up to the beach and started sellin 50/50. Landon even rode along in the golf cart helping me & Ray sell them! This year Landon was big enough to go and run around so we had a steak dinner then went out to check out the water. 
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Love for Oscar
If you know Oscar, you know he is NOT a fan of Landon. Jonathan got Oscar for my birthday before we got married, and he has been THE baby of the house ever since. Whenever I'm home, he's right under my feet, and is always snuggled up wherever I am. Last night Landon was bouncin around on our bed, and as usual Elsa & Oscar were right up there with us. Elsa will let Landon do anything he wants to her, but Oscar on the other hand is a grouch. But for a split second last night he thought he'd be sweet and let Landon give him a kiss w/out snapping at him! Luckily I had my phone on me :)

Monday, May 25, 2009
My stay at home week
I've been slacking on posting for the past few weeks. This past week Dr. Boyd was gone for a conference so the office was closed for a week, and I got a taste of what its like to be a stay at home mom. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but now that Landon is older and wants to constantly play and do things, it's going to make it a lot harder to go back tomorrow. We spent every day together, doing all kinds of things-playing outside (ALOT), went out to lunch w/ Lori & Abbie, hung out at the funeral home some, and even went to vist Katrina at her work and ate lunch w/ all the school kids. I think that was one of his favorite things! We went to her school around lunch time for the Jr. Kindergarten, and after he talked to everyone in the office we headed down to the cafeteria. He went through the line and we sat at the table w/ all the other kids. He acted so grown up! It was so funny that most of the kids kept looking at me like they knew me, but since I didn't have scrubs on they couldn't figure out How they knew me! Once we told them I got all kinds of hugs. haha.
Here we are on the way down the hall after lunch to go visit Stacie's classroom. She teaches 2nd grade at Mt. View.
Katrina took us outside throught the playground
He was trying to share his cookie w/ Katrina
Such a big boy! We went on chicken nugget day (I was excited about eating a real school lunch again ;)
Well THIS was a total surprise..He was playing in his diaper, and he figured out how to take it off. So when I asked him if he had to go potty he said uh huh, so I set him up there. He was thrilled about it, and Really excited to flush the potty, but actually didn't use it!

Saturday night Grammy & PawPaw let Landon come stay with them a night, and me & Jonathan went camping down by the river w/ Keith & Ashley. I took this picture while they were playing horseshoes...have I mentioned before how beautiful a place we live?!?!
Oscar & Elsa got to come camping with us and they were troopers! This was at the end of the night curled up by the campfire. Is there anything better?
Landon LOVES to stomp and hollar at the scarecrow in the garage, and today he got super brave and picked him up! He moved him out in the driveway and yelled at him for a little bit...
Sorry this post jumped around, but I was so busy playing all week I didn't get to take many pictures. It makes me sad that we're not in a position for me to stay home full time with Landon, but I know he's in good hands at my mom's. Part of me wishes I could be with him all the time, and see all his firsts, and silly things he does, but I'm very lucky that in times like these I have a good job. I work for a great Doctor (Landon sometimes doesn't think so on shot day ;) and with 3 wonderful coworkers. Maybe if we ever decide to give Landon a little sister (or brother) I'll have the option to stay home with the kids. Until then I'll just enjoy all my weekends and starting next week, my Fridays off!!!
Here we are on the way down the hall after lunch to go visit Stacie's classroom. She teaches 2nd grade at Mt. View.

Saturday night Grammy & PawPaw let Landon come stay with them a night, and me & Jonathan went camping down by the river w/ Keith & Ashley. I took this picture while they were playing horseshoes...have I mentioned before how beautiful a place we live?!?!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mothers Day
The only mothers day present I got was a pretty good one. Landon slept in until 9:15 sunday morning! I woke up with all the animals in bed with me, and rolled over to look at the time and it was like 9am, so I looked at the monitor and Landon was snoozin hard. Good times. We got up and got ready for church, but then didn't make it because my belly was hurting, so we took some time and went for a walk, then played outside until it was time to go to Mom's for lunch. It was a pretty day out so me, Landon & my mom took a ride up to the lake, which everyone knows is my favorite place to be. It seems like just riding up there clears my head, and the beautiful scenery makes me so thankful that we live in such a wonderful area.
Here we are cruisin down the street on the 4wheeler...
Helpin Daddy spread mulch, in his church clothes no doubt...
Here we are cruisin down the street on the 4wheeler...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I just want everyone to say a few extra prayers over the next few days for Evan. Most of you have read on here his story,but if your new, here's the rundown ;) He's suffering from a VERY rare skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). His skin is covered in blisters, and the care for him is like that of a burn victim. His mom has been educated on giving him bleach baths, and covering his body in aquaphor and wrapping him. It's a long tideous process especially when there are 2 other kids living at home. Fortunately, they are EB free. Today they leave to go to Cincinnati, OH to the childrens hospital that specializes in the care of children with this horrible disease. Please say your prayers that they have a safe trip, and maybe find out more things to help Evan with being more comfortable at home. He is a very happy baby, given his circumstances, and also has never been on any pain medication besides the usual baby tylenol. I'm afraid the pain he experiences every day is the norm for him, so please pray that God will give someone the knowledge to come up with a cure for this terrible disease.

Monday, May 4, 2009
A tisket, a tasket, we did all this for Baskets :)
This weekend was the first of a usual semi-annual trip to Dresden, Ohio. For those of you that don't know why anyone would travel there, let me just tell you. Have you ever heard of Longaberger baskets?! Well thats why we go. Christy Wiley planned a trip this year, and we usually take a 15 passenger van, and try to get a Uhaul(yes we buy that much) or figure out a way to get everything the 5 hour trip back to Virginia. This year my father in law agreed to take his trailer for us to fill right up. Haha and he doesn't have just any trailer, he has a 40 foot enclosed car trailer!! So me, Betsy, my sister in law Lori(she was a Dresden virgin) and 14 other women packed up and headed out of town at 5am on Saturday morning. About 4 bathroom breaks later we arrived in Ohio to start our shopping. We shopped all day, and then had a yummy dinner at the Longaberger restaruant where they serve you on all longaberger pottery ;) Fun times. We finished the night off by a few hours shopping at Kohls, and then headed back to the hotel to get some sleep before heading out early for Downtown Dresden. We had an awesome time, alot of laughs, and came back with an almost full trailer ;) Here are some pics of the trip...
Me & Lori in the big basket.

Me, Betsy & Lori

Us posing with our basket flowers we made. Let me just tell ya, we weren't cut out to be basket weavers..hahaha.
Me, Betsy & Lori
Us posing with our basket flowers we made. Let me just tell ya, we weren't cut out to be basket weavers..hahaha.
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